Mealsizer® is the healthy way to achieve your target weight and keep to it. Consume just the right amount of food each meal, and enjoy new levels of energy. Small changes to your diet can significantly improve your health. You avoid having to weigh your food or count calories – simply enjoy your meal!
Mealsizer® is used for lunch and dinner and contains of three measures:
With the vegetable measure, the largest measure, you ensure that you receive a sufficient amount of the most important vegetables. With the middle measure for carbohydrates and the smallest measure for protein, you achieve the right distribution and amount of carbohydrates and protein. In the bottom of each measure, you can see if that particular measure applies to vegetables, carbohydrates or protein.
You can eat more or less anything. It is good to vary your diet between different types of food. In addition to lunch and dinner, you also eat breakfast as well as in-between meals/snacks to make sure you receive the right amount of energy.
Mealsizer® är gjord av miljövänlig, återvinningsbar plast (Polypropen) och tillverkas i Sverige på en miljöcertifierad fabrik. Tål maskindisk. Går ej att använda i mikrovågsugn.
Måttens volymer är beräknade av dietist för att ge rätt energimängd och näring för en måltid för en normalaktiv energiförbrukare, och bygger på Nordiska näringsrekommendationerna (Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer) och tallriksmodellen. Mer information hittar du under frågor och svar om Mealsizer här.