Mealsizer® before/after bariatric surgery

Good food in a reasonable amount evenly distributed throughout the day is important after a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve operation. Too little food or food composed in the wrong way can cause nutritional deficiencies and/or cravings. Too large portions can cause dumping symptoms.

Mealsizer® after bariatric surgery can help you consume a well-balanced diet with just the right amount of food for lunch and dinner. Mealsizer® helps to portion a normal sized meal, that you are recommended to eat. It is important that you listen to the body’s signals and stop eating when you begin to feel saturation.

The measures follow the 3 parts of the plate model (in the US, similar to My plate): protein-rich foods, carbohydrate-rich foods and vegetables. The volumes are calculated by a licensed dietician to provide the right amount of energy and nutrition for a normally active energy consumer based on Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (Swedish National Food Agency’s recommendations).

How to eat with Mealsizer® after surgery:

Cut any large pieces of food so that they fit in the measures. Fill the measures up to the rim, don’t overfill. Place the contents of the measure onto your plate. Eat slowly and chew your food carefully. Prioritize to eat the high-protein foods if you are having difficulty eating the whole serving. Leave food on the plate as you begin to feel saturation

The protein measure (the smallest measure)

  • The protein measure gives a portion of protein-rich foods like meat, fish, chicken, turkey, dairy products, eggs, quorn and soy products.
  • Choose mainly pure meats and preferably eat fish 2-3 times a week.
  • Prioritize high protein foods over other foods – it is important that you get enough protein

The carbohydrate measure (the mid-sized measure)

  • In the carbohydrate measure, put carbohydrate-rich foods likepotatoes, pasta, rice, bulgur, quinoa, wheat, couscous or other grains.
  • Vary carbohydrate sources and try to choose products with fibres and whole grains.
  • Leave carbohydrate-rich foods on the plate when you feel satisfied.

The vegetable measure (the largest measure)

  • The vegetable measure is filled with cooked, oven baked, woked or raw vegetables and root vegetables.
  • Raw vegetables and root vegetables require extra chewing.
  • Eat colourful and choose different kinds of vegetables and root vegetables.
  • Listen to body signals and leave vegetables on the plate as you begin to feel saturation.

Example of a day with Mealsizer after bariatric surgery:

The carbohydrate measure with medium yogurt, 2 tbsp muesli and finely chopped kiwi.

1 crispbread with light margarine and protein-rich topping, e.g. sliced egg and tomatoes.

Minced meat sauce with whole grain penne and lightly cooked broccoli bouquets. Portion size according to Mealsizer.

A protein measure with cottage cheese with a half protein measure of berries.

Oven baked salmon with mashed potatoes and cooked mashed carrots. Portion size according to Mealsizer.

Light yogurt/quark/smoothie or a crispbread with protein-rich topping.

Breakfast suggestions:

  1. A carbohydrate measure with natural light yogurt, 1 tbsp of muesli and a ½ protein measure of berries.
  2. A protein measure with oatmeal porridge, ½ grated apple and a small glass (1–1.5 dl) of light or medium milk.
  3. One slice of whole grain bread with a slice of liver pâté topped with cucumber. A carbohydrate measure filled with light yogurt.
  4. A small glass (1.5 dl) of smoothie and 1 crispbread with light margarine and protein-rich topping.
  5. One crispbread, light margarine, a slice of cheese and belle pepper. Scrambled eggs on 1 egg and 1 tbsp of milk.

Snack/inbetween-meal suggestions:

  1. A protein measure of cottage cheese with a ½ protein measure of berries.
  2. ½ avocado with a ½ protein measure of cottage cheese.
  3. 1-2 whole grain crusts with soft cheese.
  4. A small glass (1.5 dl) of smoothie mixed on natural quark, light milk, 1/3 of a banana and berries.
  5. One crispbread with light margarine and boiled sliced egg.

NOTE! You have received specific advice from your clinic on how to eat and what to avoid during the first two months. The advice in this information is valid after these first two months.

Follow Mealsizer® on Instagram and/or Facebook, for tips and healthy recipes when using Mealsizer!

Reviewed by: Malin Bruto, leg. dietician with specialist expertise in obesity surgery, Metabolic Center, Carlanderska Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden

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